Monday, February 15, 2010

Microwaving Baby Bottles is Not a Good Thing to Do

Even though we reap the rewards of the use of microwaves, microwaving baby bottles is not a good thing to do.

The cry of a baby when hungry, is demanding, and sometimes the use of a microwave can comfort the child in one half the time it takes to warm a bottle of milk, the old fashion way. However, microwaving is not
recommended when it comes to meal time for your baby.

Many parents don't use glass bottles anymore, and warming your baby's milk in a plastic bottle, by use of the microwave, can cause toxic chemicals to form in the milk.

Also, if breast milk is your choice of feedings, microwaving could possibly remove the antibodies from the breast milk. One of the reasons women prefer breastfeeding over formula, is to give their baby antibodies to protect them from colds and diseases. Using the microwave to heat breast milk defeats this purpose.

Another caution concerning the use of microwaves, is that they don't heat evenly. This can cause possible burning. If that's not bad enough, microwaving can cause the nipples on the bottles to become sticky, and this results in the nipple collapsing more easily. when the nipples start to collapse, air makes it's way into you're baby's stomach, causing them to possibly have a tummy ache.

Placing bottled milk in warm water, or running the bottle under hot water, would be the best approach to warming your baby's bottles.

When at all possible, stay away from the microwave when it comes to meal time for your baby. Your baby will be glad you did.

Read more article about Baby Bottle Sterilizer. You can find more article in

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