Sunday, January 24, 2010

How to Clean or De-scale a Bottle Sterilizer

The bottle sterilizer has caught on as a great and efficient method for parents to clean and sterilize their baby's bottles, nipples, pacifiers or other accessories.

But it does require a recommended cleaning every 4 weeks. Here's a few tips to make this easy.

1. Empty sterilizer, remove all racks, and wipe down interior of sterilizer with a clean sponge.
2. Fill 1 cup of white vinegar and pour into sterilizer
3. Turn on sterilizer and let it run its cycle. After the cycle has finished, unplug the sterilizer and allow it to cool down, then pour any remaining liquid down the sink.
4. Rinse the interior of the sterilizer well with cool water and use a clean sponge to remove any build-up that came loose as a result of the de-scaling/cleaning process.
5. Plug the sterilizer back in and add regular amount of water you use for normal sterilization. Run cycle with just water and no bottles to remove any additional build-up. Upon completion, rinse sterilizer one last time and you are good to go.

Tips & Warnings
* It's good to clean or de-scale your sterilizer every month or so. This will help the sterilizer work more effectively.
* Don't be surprised by the strong odor that the vinegar gives.
* It may be necessary to repeat Step 5 if you had an unusually large amount of build-up or haven't cleaned your sterilizer in a long time.
* Make sure to unplug sterilizer between certain steps, as described above.
* Make sure Sterilizer has cooled down after its cycle, before handling.

Read more article about Baby Bottle Sterilizer. You can find more article in

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